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“Demise of a vertical figure” arose as Joao’s response and commentary on the phenomenon of post-truth, a worldwide cultural movement of our current times, originated from the rise of far-right ideologies, fake news and conspiracy theories. Understood as when the concepts of “fact” and “opinion” are blurred together and lose their distinction, Joao understood the emergence of post-truth as an evidence of the loss of clarity in communication: there’s no more reference point to a fact, but instead a personal truth of choice. 


Triggered especially by the political situation in Brazil from 2016 on, and its impacts on the stability of communities and families, Joao started a movement research on the loss of verticality and the motion of demise as a choreographic representation to the demise of clarity.


To do so, he chose the soundscape of Brazilian funk music, a rhythm he grew up dancing to and is demonised by the extremist movements that perpetrate post-truth. He makes use of the typical verbs present in the lyrics of the songs in a playful way, altering their meaning through movement, as an allusion to the practice of post-truth in communication.


From this extensive research, which originated during his Master studies in Choreography around 2018 into 2023, “Demise of a vertical figure” became a project comprising of (so far) four stage pieces and one video work. 

A DEMISE Trilogy (video work)

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sound design             JOAO


performance              CAROLINE RODRIGUES

                               RENAN MANHÃES             DEMISE I

                               CAMILLE JACKSON

                               STEPH QUINCI                    DEMISE II

                               ANDRÉA FARIA

                               CHRISTIANO CASTRO

                               BÁRBARA MAIA

                               DAVI LOPES

                               EDUARDO HENRIQUE

                               EMANUELA SANTOS

                               MIRELLI SOARES

                               PHELIPPE MOREIRA

                               RUDSON ROCHA

casting assistance        CAROLINE RODRIGUES      DEMISE III

music                        MC JOTINHA, MC PR, DJ BL

                               MC RICK, MC KAIO

                               MC LUAN DA BS, MC VITIN DO LJ

Premiered at the Festspielhaus HELLERAU in September 2023.

Demise, because we waited



sound design

light design                JOAO

costume design           GRETA WILHELM


performance              ANJA NEUKOMM

                               EMA JANKOVIC

                               ANNA JIRMANOVÁ

                               GAVIN LAW

                               ISABELLE NELSON

                               TUAN LY

                               IGOR PRANDI

                               SIMON WOLANT

Created for and with the Tanzkompanie Landesbühnen Sachsen, "Demise, because we waited" was a 20min stage piece that extended the research of demise to explore the subject of loss due to procrastination. As in the loss resulting from giving up on communication, and allowing things to fall apart.

Demise to a void but it doesn't go anywhere

"DEMISE to a void but it doesn't go anywhere" explored the deterioration that happens out of inertia.


Two people occupy a fading apartment, while the rooms start to disappear, the objects lose their importance, and they progressively dispose of the space itself.

Premiered within the time & s_PACE Festival of the go plastic Company at the Festspielhaus HELLERAU in November 2022.



text/soundscape    JOAO

performance         CAROLINE RODRIGUES

                          CAMILLE JACKSON

DEMISE - Kürzstück

"DEMISE - Kürzstück" was created for the "Demise" project proposed for and co-produced by the Festspielhaus HELLERAU. The quintet came as a conclusive stage piece to the creative process of the video works that are part of "A DEMISE Trilogy".

The 15-minute piece explored the choreographic ideas that Joao researched in his effort to represent through dance and performance the deterioration of clear communication observed in the phenomenon of post-truth.

Continuing the use of Brazilian funk music as a soundscape for this choreographic idea, Joao collaborated with Brazilian poet and singer Bixarte and beat producer Rafael Fantini to create the sound composition for the piece, which appears here mixed with sections of Claudio Monteverdi's "Vespro della beata vergine".

Premiered at the Labortheater Dresden, February 2021.

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sound design             JOAO


set design

costume design          GRETA WILHELM

rehearsal                   BÁRBARA FLORA

                               DANIELA LEHMANN

light design               GEOHWAN JU

music                       BIXARTE

                              RAFAEL FANTINI

                              CLAUDIO MONTEVERDI

performance             CAROLINE RODRIGUES

                              CAMILLE JACKSON

                              STEPH QUINCI

                              KYLE PATRICK

                              ALBA ÁLVAREZ

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